Road Safety Campaign
In line with its commitment to sustainable development and with the firm believe that all occupational accidents are preventable, in 2017 the subsidiary of HeidelbergCement Group in Greece launched a Road Safety Campaign. The campaign is aiming to involve all employees and contractors in reinforcing the culture for safe driving and responsible behavior on the road. Being aware of our individual responsibility, whenever driving or travelling in a vehicle, is a key factor to minimize the risks of road accidents. The Road Safety Campaign reminds and promotes 10 basic Rules for Safe driving.


Rule 1.

Rule 2.

Rule 3.

Rule 4.

Rule 5.

Rule 6.

Rule 7.

Rule 8.

Rule 9.

Rule 10.

Rule 1.

Rule 2.

Rule 3.

Rule 4.

Rule 5.

Rule 6.

Rule 7.

Rule 8.

Rule 9.

Rule 10.