

As socialy responsible companies, Heidelberg Materials Hellas and Heidelberg Materials Group cultivate a corporate culture based on employee-orientation and partnership, which leads us to our long-term success. Occupational Health & Safety is a core value and integral part of all our business activities. Being convinced that injuries, occupational illnesses and diseases are preventable we are continuously striving to minimize risks for our employees, contractors and third parties by pursuing the goal of zero harm. 


In order to continually improve our performance we manage Health & Safety through appropriate management systems. The key elements are: 

  • Establishing clear objectives and corresponding action plans;
  • Providing safe and healthy workplaces, safe equipment and safe work procedures and practices based on the results of regularly reviewed risk assessments; 
  • Training employees in Health and Safety issues that affect their work to ensure they have the proper competencies to conduct their tasks safely;
  • Inspecting and reviewing work areas and practices on a regular basis to ensure compliance with internal and external requirements;
  • Supervising, monitoring and analyzing the Health & Safety performance and processes against requirements;
  • Providing guidance and instructions on the handling of our products in accordance with applicable laws;

We are committed to conduct our business in accordance with all applicable local, regional, national and international legislations, and within its own standards and  procedures related to Health & Safety. We also work together with employees, contractors, and third parties to prevent accidents and inform them and the public regularly about our Health & Safety performance.


To ensure the safety of our employees, contractors and third parties, it is compulsory to wear the following Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at all operational workplaces of the companies: 

  • Safety helmet
  • Eye protection
  • Safety boots
  • High visibility clothing

Furthermore all employees and contractors working for us have to comply with the Cardinal rules. Non-compliance with these rules will not be tolerated.

Roles and responsibilities

Аll levels of management are accountable for Health & Safety in their area of responsibility, while at the same time each employee, contractor and visitor has direct responsibility to follow safe work procedures which will ensure their own Health & Safety and that of their colleagues. We are giving the highest priority to Health & Safety and expect the same from everybody else.

Only together will we achieve our goal of zero harm.
